Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 10th October 2021

Pastor Dorothy Choi

God called Jeremiah to be a prophet during a turbulent time. Jeremiah responded to the needs of his people by proclaiming the message of God’s judgment and hope.

What is one of the great needs within CPC during the pandemic? How has the Lord called us to respond to this need?

Seniors within our congregation would certainly be considered as a group in need of our care. Seniors are usually less resourceful, less adaptable and not at all technology savvy compared with younger folks. And during the pandemic, all those abilities are critical in maintaining a person’s well-being. So, seniors are at a disadvantage.

According to a rough estimate late last year, there were around 200 seniors who were 60 or over across all of our congregations with about 20 of them staying in nursing homes. In order to care for our seniors more effectively, we have hired a part-time Senior Care Coordinator recently utilising funds designated for the senior’s ministry.

Our church volunteers have been faithful in caring for our seniors since the pandemic. Some took turns calling up seniors each week. One senior commented warmly that a volunteer had contacted her more than 30 times since then. Others bought food for seniors who live alone. All this care and actions of kindness have been greatly welcomed by our seniors.

Since becoming our Senior Care Coordinator, Diana has helped to coordinate initiatives for seniors and train volunteers. There were around 40 seniors for the PWA and Men’s fellowship online meeting in September. Some seniors were not able to use the online conference tools so they were on the phone listening in. The coordination to get all seniors online was not an easy job. In an effort to include the views of seniors in the Cantonese survey, volunteers were trained to call up seniors and take them through each survey question over the phone. They spent a considerable time with each senior to discuss and to share.

With such a big number of seniors among us, there is still much to be done to meet their needs. Some seniors might have been overlooked or not being supported as much as they would like. If you are a senior who needs better support, please share your need with us.

It is not easy to stay connected with seniors who are at nursing homes or who are less mobile. Recently, one member who lives alone fell down and was taken to hospital only on the next day. Neither the family nor the church was aware of the situation until the next day.

Would you please support us by praying for the ministry for seniors? May the Lord open our eyes and our hearts to see and to respond to the many needs of our congregations.










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