Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 11th December 2022

Pastor Steaven Cheung

Not Just Another Christmas

‘For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’

We once again enter the season of Advent, a time where we are all invited to prepare our hearts and reflect on the incarnation of Christ. It’s easy to let this season pass us without considering the wonder of Christ’s coming to the world. We can forget the power and hope Christ brings into our world. How He reveals the true heart our Heavenly Father has for the world. I have a few reflections for us to consider as we head towards Christmas.

1. Christ’s incarnation reveals God’s love for a sinful humanity

God sent Christ not as an agent of judgement but of love. This fact alone ought to enliven the joy of our hearts. That our Heavenly Father sees the worst of our hearts but chose to send Jesus as an emissary of love. Christ reminds us that our father has affection for you, hope for you, purpose for you.

If you are in need of God’s hope in your life today, reach out in prayer to Him, for Christ’s birth affirms once and for all that God loves His children.

2. Christ’s incarnation reveals the imminent nature of God’s interaction with humanity

God’s love for humanity in Christ is not distant or abstract. For the incarnation of Christ is real, physical and present. Christ wasn’t to save us sitting in the heavens above or redeem us with a new philosophy. Jesus lived among humans, died among humans and rose to life with a human body. God’s love for us is present in the very world we are living in.

Are you in need of the presence of God? Through Christ, God has been made imminent to you through His Word. Pick up scripture and read, and find the wonder of God’s presence in your life again.

3. Christ’s incarnation gives us hope

Christmas also gives us the purpose of God’s sending of His Son. It is to give us an eternal hope. Human hope is short term and destined to fall apart, despite its promises. Governments fall, Empires end and philosophies become old and forgotten. But life in Christ reigns eternal and averts the perishing fate all of us share.

What is your hope? Is it in something temporal or eternal.

In this Christmas season, can I invite you to not simply treat it as ‘another December’, but to truly reflect on the wonder this season brings, not in spectacle or gifts but in the sending of Christ, the son of God.

May God be with you and your family this season.



我們再次進入將臨期 —— 一個接受邀請去預備好我們自己的心,並反思基督道成肉身的時候。我們很容易就讓這節期流逝,而沒有去思考基督降世的奇妙。我們會忘記基督為世人帶來的能力與盼望。祂是如何表達了我們的天父對世人真正的心意。當我們迎向聖誕節時,我有一些反思可給大家作參考。

(一) 基督道成肉身表示了神對有罪的人類之愛

神差遣基督來,不是要作審判者,而是為了愛。僅憑這一個事實已叫我們內心歡欣雀躍。 我們的天父看到我們內心最壞的一面,但卻選擇差遣耶穌作愛的使者。 基督提醒我們,我們的父親給予我們慈愛、盼望和目標。


(二) 基督道成肉身揭示了神與人類互動的臨在性



(三) 基督道成肉身給予我們盼望





Icon of a flower

