Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 12th March 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

Thank God that the month of March is designated as Family month in the hope of strengthening relationships within each family unit.  Our focus is not only on the relationship between husband and wife, but the different kinds of relationships that may exist within a family.  In fact, each and every one of us comes from a family where we have family members who are dear to us, be it parents, siblings, spouse or children.  In the same way, God is a relational God and He values our relationship with Him and whether we are communicating with Him on a daily basis.  

In the book of Ephesians chapters 5 and 6, the principles on how members are to relate to each other in a godly family have been clearly laid out, including how husband and wife should treat one another, and likewise how parents and children should treat each other.  

In particular, Ephesians 5:21 says “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”  As Christians, we should live as children of light having the fear of God in our hearts as we build and maintain relationships in our family.  The Bible teaches us to bear an attitude of servanthood as we serve one another in the family, in the same manner as how we serve God.  Wives and husbands should serve each other in love just as Christ does the Church and gave Himself up for the Church.  The unity of Christ and the Church is the basis of the unity between husbands and wives.  The marriage covenant established by God in the beginning is for a man and a woman to become one flesh, naked yet feel no shame.  This kind of unity is perfect unity of the mind, body and spirit, possible only in Christ.  

Therefore, a husband-wife relationship should be in Christ, drawing strength from Him to put love into action as the two parties seek to build each other up in unity and in the truth of God’s Word.  Without Christ in the centre of our relationship, this is an impossible task as we are all sinners.  

When two sinners are in a marital relationship, it can be a recipe for disaster.  The honeymoon period at the beginning of marriage soon gives way to conflicts, bitterness and resentment because of differences in character, lifestyle and upbringing.  As time goes by, what used to be a loving couple has become two strangers living under one roof, each living their own lives under the camouflage of marriage.  

No matter how long we have been married, it is important for us to examine our relationship with our spouse and our children through the lens of Scripture.  

Biblical principles laid down in Scripture are there not to make our lives difficult.  In fact, by living out biblical principles in our relationships, we can truly love and respect each other in our family.  With Christ being the head of the family and each family member submitting to His kingship, we can enjoy fruitful and rewarding marriage and family life.

When we have been Christians for some time, we might think to ourselves: I do know the teachings in the Bible, but why have I not experienced blessings from God?  It is because we have His Word in our heads and not our deeds.  By living out the teachings of Christ in our lives and relying on Jesus and Jesus alone, we can then experience the reality of God.

May God help us all as we learn His word and walk by faith in His ways.  God’s promises and abundant blessings in Christ never fail.











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