Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 16th July 2023

Pastor Steaven Cheung

Our Creator God

In Genesis 1, we are given an introduction to the creative work of God. It is in this passage that we are given a glimpse into how God brings new life out of the void of creation. Let’s explore it this week and reflect on how God may also be creating anew in your life.

1. The Method of God’s creation

In the beginning we see that the whole universe was vo id and empty (Gen 1:1). The method by which God forms everything is by His Word. God’s word reveals His sovereignty. By His word every atom, molecule and every law of physics came to be.

In the same way, a disciple’s soul is to be formed by God’s sovereign word. We are renewed by it, we are sanctified by it and we are given direction as we submit to it.

2. The Order of God’s creation

The second aspect of God’s creative work is the order by which He chooses to create. There is a pattern the writer of Genesis reveals to us. God first creates spaces in days 1, 2 and 3; He then fills those spaces with life in days 4, 5 and 6. There is a rhythm to God’s work, he first creates a space with the potential for life and then fills it with His glory.

In the same way, God fills the spaces of our lives when they are open. The moments we offer to Him in our weeks, our faithful attendance to church and small groups, our continual prayers and obedience. God fills all of those spaces with His goodness. If you give God a space, He will use it.

3. The Nature of God’s creative work

The final reflection on God’s creation work in Genesis 1 echoes the power of the gospel. We see in Genesis 1 that God is able to form all matter ex nihilo, that is ‘out of nothing’. While humanity’s creativity and imagination are exceedingly wonderful and amazing, our creative acts are merely forming things that are already in existence. Materials. Thoughts. Words. God forms everything without a need for preexistence. For He is God and can will something, out of nothing.

It is this creative power by which our assurance of His salvation is made all the more sure. He doesn’t require us to be good or righteous. He only requires His gospel. By His gospel He brings saints from sinners, righteousness from the wicked, faithfulness out of our brokenness, hope from despair and life from death. Christ brings a new creation from us, ex nihilo.

‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!‘ 2 Corinthians 5:17

Let us praise God for He is our creator.

我們的創造主 神



起初我們看到整個宇宙是空虛的(創世記 1:1)。神創造一切的方法是通過祂的話語。神的話語揭示了祂的主權。每一個原子、分子和每一條物理定律都是由祂的話語形成的。


2. 神創造的順序








Icon of a flower

