Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 18th December 2022

Pastor Arthur Leung

Christmas is coming and it is that time of the year when people all over the world celebrate the festive season.  In reality, how many would really take to heart the true meaning of Christmas? As Christians, do we remember the birth of Jesus in a fervent and serious manner?

The incarnation of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago not only manifested the existence of God, but demonstrated that He is a God who cares deeply for us.  Jesus came to live among us such that we know He truly understands our suffering and pain.  He did not come to this world to be served, but to serve. He suffered for mankind, culminated in his death on a cross for our sins.

This is how He demonstrated God’s love for us.  Perhaps the phrase “the Word became flesh” sounds simple to our ears.  Often times, we might think that Jesus’ incarnation is a simple matter.  Yet, when we consider how He had to humble himself, give up His right to power and glory in heaven, and be willing to be obedient to the will of God, the birth of Jesus is no simple matter.  

Christmas is not only a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but also an occasion to be thankful for Jesus’ love for us and His obedience and love towards God the Father.  How then should we celebrate the Christmas season?  We ought to celebrate with a thankful and joyful heart, and to use this occasion to share with others about God’s salvation plan.  Christmas is one of the most meaningful festivals, therefore besides enjoying our Christmas holidays, let’s remember what Jesus Christ has done for us.

這月底是聖誕節,每年的十二月,普世都慶祝聖誕,但有多少人, 又真的會記念它的真正意義?我們作為基督徙,是否又會認真記念耶穌的降生?

耶穌基督,二千多年前為我們降生。衪的道成肉身,不但是顯明了神的存在, 更展明了,衪是關心我們的神。衪來是與我們同在,與我們一起生活,衪是讓我們知道,衪能了解我們在世的痛苦。因為,衪來世上,不是受人的服待,仍是來服待人,而且為人受苦,以致於死在十字架上。




Icon of a flower

