Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 23rd January 2022

Pastor Steaven Cheung

A saying passed on to me by one of my mentors is, ‘theology that doesn’t lead us to worship, is probably leading us to hell.’. The meaning being that over the course of our spiritual journeys, Christians will inevitably grow in knowledge. Whether we have a habit of putting our knowledge into action however, is the key to either spiritual growth or simply human pride. As Scripture says, ‘knowledge puffs up, but love builds up’. The key is integration of our theology, not aggregation.

In our Next-Gen space, the focus of our spiritual formation this year will be on the theme of integrated theology. How can we not just enjoy the strong, robust theological foundation of our church, but put it into practise?

Our focus will be in these areas:

1. Grow in our belief and knowledge.

Where there’s no integration of our knowledge into lives, our sense of wonder in Christ can be easily diminished. Let’s approach scripture with renewed eyes, there are no limit to God’s revelation.

2. To fall deeper in love with the person of Christ.

However, the purpose of the knowledge of God is to know the One behind the theology.   Our knowledge ought to deepen our love and reliance on Christ. To know that the prodigal son was forgiven is one thing, but to realise that our Father loves us despite our consistent rejection and dysfunction is another thing all together.

3. Find areas of integration.

In John 1, we see the love of God through the incarnation of the Son. ‘The Word become flesh’ is not just a fact of God, it’s also an invitation for His disciples to follow. As God’s love for us was revealed to us in flesh and blood, so too our faithfulness to Christ must also be expressed in a manner integrated with reality, not simply theory.

A Christian that only knows how to parse ‘karitos’ in Greek is infinitely less effective than a Christian who knows how to BE gracious.

4. Accountability to grow in self-awareness.

Just as God is relational in His being, we must not neglect our need for community either. Self-awareness is the key to internal growth, and there’s no self-awareness without a community around us. Integration is a team sport.

I hope in 2022, we endeavour to not just know more about God, but to see more of the gospel out worked in the flesh. Let us all see the power of the gospel is in Christ revealed in our world.




1. 在我們的信仰和知識中成長。


2. 要更深刻地愛上基督這個人。


3. 尋找融合的地方



4. 提高自我意識的責任感



Icon of a flower

