Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 3rd March 2024

Pastor Dorothy Choi

Your care and prayers for the Pastoral Team have been a source of strength and encouragement for all of us. As I reflect on the past two months, I would like to share some highlights and updates with you.

A significant change in our team dynamic occurred as Rev Chris Chan embarked on a well-deserved long-service leave, and we welcomed Pastors Adam and Wai Leung to our midst. This transition has brought about a shift in responsibilities and the need to understand each other's working styles and preferences. Each member of the Pastoral Team has been actively contributing to the direction and operation of the team in a collaborative and supportive manner.

Despite our best efforts, we have not been immune to physical weaknesses. Many of us have experienced a period of illness, ranging from common colds to persistent coughs. We recognise that just like everyone else, we are susceptible to physical vulnerabilities, and this reality extends to spiritual weaknesses too.

Our time together has not been solely focused on ministry. We enjoyed sharing meals and coffee. These moments are golden opportunities for informal fellowship. While we had to postpone a planned potluck dinner at a home, it remains an item of priority on our future agenda.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the prospect of growth together as a team. We are actively planning workshops and a conference to facilitate learning, idea-sharing, and overall team building. Our goal is to build each other up in ministry and in spirituality, fostering a supportive and enriching community.

In our ongoing journey, we seek your encouragement and your prayers. Please pray for us so that our team models the principles outlined in Philippians 2:4-5, “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus”.







Icon of a flower

