Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 4th February 2024

Pastor Dorothy Choi

I am thankful to God and also to all of you for partnering with us in prayer for our short-term mission trip to Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand, in January. To learn more about our experience in Thailand, we invite you to our sharing session in Cantonese in the afternoon of March 3rd. Allow me to share a few personal observations and reflections here.

Firstly, the stronghold of darkness and its consequences is evident in the region, given its proximity to the Golden Triangle. The prevalence of cheap and easily accessible drugs has resulted in many stories of broken families and damaged relationships and individuals, even among church leadership.

Secondly, the ongoing gospel work in the area holds great significance. The conversion of villagers to Christianity comes at a considerable cost, as they may lose the entitlement to a burial plot in their village. Many churches have after-school Chinese classes and boarding facilities for school children with needs, aiming to connect with the youth. Due to the strong influence of China, learning Chinese is particularly appealing, as it opens up better job opportunities for the youth in the future. Focusing on gospel work among the younger generation lays a solid foundation for generational changes.

Thirdly, I am grateful to witness the passion in the hearts of the CPC young leaders who were with me on the mission trip. They competently led programs which fostered meaningful connections with the children they served. Despite facing challenges such as a lack of water pressure for showers, they adapted well and shared helpful tips with one another.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering prayer support. May the Spirit move our hearts to love people of different races, religions, and cultures, aligning with God's will for all to be saved.






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