Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoal Letter 8th October 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

Paul's heart

The church sermon series has reached the end of the book of Romans, which described the world as comprised of sinners who, being justified by faith, received the greatest joy because of the peace we have from our faith in God. When we accept the love of Christ, our hearts are renewed and changed. In the church we serve God faithfully, accept each other with love. In Romans chapters 14-15, when Paul was in the Roman church, there was a dispute over what kind of meat to eat. Paul exhorted Christians in the Roman church to accept one another with the goal of glorifying Christ.

In fact, what determined people's attitude and direction in life? Is life for yourself, for others, or for God? If you have a godly attitude your perspective should be different. In the book of Romans, the Christians of the Roman Church were disputing about whether they could eat the sacrifices used for the worship of other gods. For such a difficult issue, Paul said: “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Paul advised the Christians at that time to turn from disputing about food and drink to the discussion of the kingdom of God.  

If a Christian does not have the kingdom of God in his mind, he will magnify small matters infinitely. Often our focus is misplaced due to our pride. But on the contrary, if a Christian has the kingdom of God in his heart and is Christ like, his vision embraces the whole world, and he is no longer entangled in the disputes of trivial matters.

Paul lifted the vision of the Christians at that time from earth to heaven and saw the world from God's perspective. It’s like looking down at the earth from a plane. You suddenly realise that many things are no longer important. Why should we waste our energy, time, and effort fighting over these trivial matters? Why don’t we set our sights on the kingdom of God, see the world from God’s perspective and height, and see how our lives can have more of the glory of God?

Paul’s concern is not about eating and drinking, but God’s will and plans for Israel and the Gentiles in the Old Testament. Paul focuses on the glory of God and His salvation plan. Paul knew that God’s will is to spread the gospel to the world, so that places where no one has heard the gospel became places where Paul can witness to others the glory of God.

This is Paul, who has the vision of the kingdom of God in his mind. He has a very different attitude towards, and direction of, life. Paul's heart can be a good example for all of us. Whether we can fill our minds with the kingdom of God and matters for the glory of God depends on whether we are able to see people and things, life and the direction of life from the perspective of God and God's glory. In this way, we will be better able to walk with God, in His will, through our life journey.










Icon of a flower

