Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 9th July 2023

Pastor Dorothy Choi

It has been nearly one month since we celebrated the 130th Church Anniversary. It was a memorable event where we were able to catch up with friends of old and new and have fellowship. Each of us must have our favorite moments of the occasion. Please feel free to share the recording of the Anniversary Service with family and friends at

Despite various challenges during the preparation stage and the excitement of the Anniversary activities on that day, the Lord’s name was glorified and exalted at the heart of our celebration. The Lord had provided for us in many wonderful ways so that the celebration was possible. I would like to share some personal highlights with you as the organizer.

- Members from all five congregations gathered to worship and to serve together.

- There were around 200 volunteers and helpers for the Service and the Dinner. The list of these brothers and sisters has been included at the end of the recording. The effort, humility and dedication of many helpers especially those who served the scene and the two organizing committees are greatly appreciated.

- The dedication of the choir and the orchestrate and some choir members stood a few hours for the rehearsal and service due to the lack of space on the stage.

- The continuation of the preparation and church ministry despite the loss of power and internet connection at CPC in the last two weeks leading up to the Anniversary.

- The contribution and participation of our youth.

- The creativity and the vitality of our members as evident by the souvenir design competition, the crochet little lamb square project and the video clips.

- On the morning of the Anniversary celebration, the rehearsal of the Service was able to go ahead when the connection to the big projector was fixed after prayers.

Let’s remain grateful and humble as God guides our church moving forward.




• 集結了本堂所有五個崇拜的會友一起敬拜和服事。

• 大約有200名志願者和幫手參與了週年崇拜和晚宴的事奉。這些弟兄姊妹的名單附在錄像的末尾。非常感謝大家的努力、謙卑和奉獻包括在幕後事奉的和兩個委員會。


• 儘管在週年活動前連續兩星期教會遇上停電和斷網的情況出現,但活動的工作籌備和教會的事工能繼續。

• 青年人的貢獻和參與。

• 弟兄姊妹們的創意和活力展示在紀念品設計比賽、編織小羊方塊活動和製作的影片中。

• 週年崇拜當天的上午,大型投影機還不能收到連接信號。但經過禱告後,連接得已接通,而令崇拜的彩排得以順利進行。


Icon of a flower

