Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Memorial Service


for the late Irene Ko Lu 呂高懷樂姊妹安息禮

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Memorial Service will be held on Saturday 17/2 at 10.30 am at our church auditorium.

Refreshments will be served in the Worship Centre after the service. 11/2 is the last day for registration. Please scan the below QR code to register your attendance. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the CPC Missions Fund (BSB 032-134 Acct 123723) marked “IMOI” (In Memory of Irene) or the CanCare Centre (BSB 012-401 Acct 217328672)

Please scan the below QR code for online stream.

安息禮將於17/2早上10:30在本會舉行,之後將在敬拜中心提供茶點。11/2為最後一天接受登記。請掃描二維碼進行登記。請將帛金捐給雪梨華人長老會的宣教基金(BSB 032-134 Acct 123723標明「IMOI」(紀念Irene)或康恩關懷中心 (BSB 012-401 Acct 217328672),代替鮮花的捐贈。


QR code for registration 登記二維碼

QR code for live stream 網上直播二維碼