Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Women's Ministry - Evangelistic Event

Peace on earth?

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Have you ever decorated a Gingerbread Nativity Scene?

Come and find out!

Sylvia Siu will be giving a talk in "Peace on Earth?".

What do you do in a world filled with unbelief and discord?

How does it affect our faith on a daily basis?

Find out how Jesus can restore our peace.

This will be followed by a fun and beginner gingerbread decorating session with Bethany Chan.

Cost: $25 per person

Payment Options:

1. Cash on the day OR

2. Bank Transfer to CPC General Fund before the event

BSB 032-044

Ac# 225830

Reference: Your name, WM Evangelistic

*Please screenshot proof of payment to

RSVP BY Sunday 26th November 2023