Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 28th January 2024

Pastor Adam Breasley

After preaching my inaugural Sermon at CPC and meeting so many new people for the first time I was reminded of how wonderful the gift of Fellowship truly is.

What an extraordinary blessing it is to walk into a local church where the fellowship of Believers can be experienced by anyone.

Many today are crying out for some sense of belonging and genuine relationship with people, that moves beyond the virtual world technological society that mankind has created. Since the pandemic many have started to reassess their lives and prioritise the most important things which truly matter in life. For some this is health and wellbeing, for others it is deeper relationships.

God created and designed us to be in relationships which are real and not artificial or distant. Acts 2:42-47 captures the wonderful picture of God’s people being devoted to Scripture, having everything in common, generously giving to those among them in need, and meeting in the Temple to break bread together. This picture was one of them praising God together collectively as they did life together.

Now, it was wonderful for our first week at CPC to experience the same Gospel picture we see in Acts. The welcome we received was exceptional because it made us feel truly loved. So, my encouragement for each of us is to remain steadfast and faithful in extending the same to each other and to new people. Interesting to note from Acts 2:47 that under the Lord’s providence they saw numerical growth while they continued sharing life together under God’s Word, sacraments and prayer.

Sometimes the danger for us as Christians is to think we need the latest and greatest things to achieve Church growth! But if we notice the order of priorities was firstly, intimate relationship with God through his Word, breaking of bread and prayer (Acts 2:42), secondly, unity and personal relationship with each other as a group (Acts 2:43-47), and finally, God’s extended blessing of calling others to join his family. Those who were called into new relationship with God, when they entered Church gatherings saw the fellowship that was taking place and were welcomed as if they were Christ himself (Romans 15:1-7). So, let’s continue in 2024 to spur one another on towards love and good deeds, and continue to grow in our relationship with our Heavenly Father and also deepen our relationships as the family of God.







Icon of a flower

