Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 16th April 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

When we think of the Word of God, we think of the Bible.  For Israel in the past, God’s direct dialogue with the Israelites was through His servants.

For them, in the Old Testament, God’s word is not only the law, God’s reminder and discipline, but also the record of the history of the Israelites, the prayer between man and God (Psalms), and the wisdom from God (Wisdom literatures) etc.

Thank God, in the New Testament, the Word of God also records the birth, life, teaching, salvation and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For us now, the Bible is a precious classic, both in faith and in history.

For Christians, the Bible is a manual, a guide for the direction of our lives.  I was thinking, what will happen to our current spiritual life if the Bible does not exist?  What can we rely on?  How can we learn about God?

It is by God’s grace that we have the Bible. God took the initiative to show us who he is. He told us his attributes. He showed us how much he loves us. Moreover, he took the initiative to make the holy covenant with the Israelites and Christians.  God wants to tell us through the Bible about his truthfulness, his faithfulness, his love for us, his eternal acceptance and eternal protection for us.

Now when we read the Bible, we can see God's work throughout history. His deeds are our comfort. It is the guidance for our life.

When we say that we obey the Bible, we must understand that the laws are giving a bottom line of protection. Within the scope of the law, there is no law prohibiting such as bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, before Jesus went on the cross, he kept reminding us, “by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13.35)

Now if we want to obey God’s words, we must continue to work on learning to love each other. This is a lifelong lesson, and it is a road that we walk forward step by step, by God’s grace every day. It does not mean that we are able to accomplish it by our own strength. It is about how we rely on Jesus.  Our growth is a work in progress. Thank you God, for the promise and strength you give us. We can walk with God every day.

當我們說到 "神的話語",現在,我們是想起聖經。對以往以色列來說,是神通過衪的僕人,與以色列人直接的對話。








而且,在耶穌上十字架之前,衪不繼的提醒我們,約翰福音13:35 “你們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。”


Icon of a flower

