Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 16th May 2021

牧聲 二零二一年五月十六日
Pastor Steaven Cheung

Growth in community  

We’ve come to the 6 week mark of our Next-Gen ministry relaunch, where we’ve shifted our focus within the Ignite and 4pm English Service ministries; and praise God, it’s been such a blessing to see Him at work within that area of our church. We’ve seen growth in both the enthusiasm for God’s work within our members’ lives and in their engagement in the church. There’s also been a sense of a growing community within the Next-Gen space. The younger members are connecting and learning from those that are just 5-10 year ahead, alongside older members who are willing to share openly and with vulnerability.  All of this is building a sense of Kingdom minded community that focuses on growth and sharing during their Key Life Decisions. All these different life stages, coming together to bring growth within the body. It’s simply wonderful.

In scripture we see the importance of community within the Early Church, where the growth of the church in Acts 2 was accompanied by devotion to God’s teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. None of these acts were done in isolation, but nurtured within community. In the same way, it would be difficult for us to grow in our spiritual walks alone, without the encouragement, grace and accountability that come with community.

As for you, do you sense that you are growing within community? The past 12 months have challenged all of us and shaken how we engage with one another. If you haven’t felt inspired spiritually, could I encourage you to share within the CPC community with a brother or sister? Perhaps join a Small Group, or come to service and speak to one of our Elders or Pastors? We cannot grow as a church if we are alone, but together, we can see God’s work within our community, like a kaleidoscope of grace.


【下一代事工】重新啟動後,我們把焦點轉放在燃點團契和下午四時崇拜事工裡,現在已經來到第六週。讚美神讓我們能見證祂在這事工的作為是我們莫大的福份。我們看到弟兄姊妹在生活中對神工作的熱忱及對教會的參與都有所增長。並且【下一代事工】群體的歸屬感也不斷地增長。年輕的成員與那些僅較他們年長 5-10年的成員聯繫並學習, 而年長的成員也不怯於分享他們的軟弱,這一切都建立了一種天國的意識,就是不同的生命階段走在一起,共同帶來整個群體的成長。這真是太美好了。


您是否覺得自己在群體中有所成長?在過去的12個月中,我們所有人都面對挑戰,並動搖了我們舊有彼此互動的方式。如果您沒有在屬靈上感到被啟發,我可否鼓勵您在雪梨華人長老會群體裡與一位弟兄或姊妹分享? 也許加入一個小組,或者來參加崇拜並與我們的一位長老或牧師交談?如果我們獨自一人,我們就無法成長如一所教會,但彼此相聚一起,我們就可以看到神在我們群體中的作為,像一個恩典的萬花筒。

Icon of a flower

