Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 3rd April 2022

Pastor Arthur Leung

The news of Elder Ernest Chong's daughter Esther passing away is very shocking and sad news for every brother and sister.

Last Saturday, March 26, at Esther's Funeral, more than 400 relatives, friends, brothers and sisters attended to farewell our sister Esther. Among them, many of Esther's classmates, friends and brothers and sisters in the church all shared memories and testimonies of Esther's life.

A number of Esther's close relatives came to the stage to share. Each of their sharing led us to get to know this young and life-loving sister better. This sentence could be a summary of Esther's life: "Esther was a genuine Christian who loved the Lord and loved her neighbours".

In the testimonies, we heard a life story of her: When some of her friends passed away who had not believed in the Lord, her reaction at that moment was that she would rather die herself, because she had already known and believed in the Lord for sure. She knew that she will be with the Lord Jesus forever, however her non-believing friends have no hope of eternal life. So she hoped that others will have more time and opportunity to know the Lord Jesus well and be saved too.

Esther loved the souls of others and that's why she was very eager to preach the gospel. She really put God and His gospel first in her life.

In addition, I heard that she originally wanted to study law, but later, she realised that being a doctor can heal sick people, and preaching the gospel can save people's eternal life. Therefore, Esther decided to apply to medical school instead.

When she was on university campus, she worked hard for the Lord Jesus, preaching the gospel to overseas students. In church, she also made disciples for the Lord. It can be seen that Esther was sincere and dedicated her life to God.

It would be a short period of life time for Esther: twenty-five years, and we believe with full confidence that now Esther has completed His mission on earth, and is now in the arms of the Father, enjoying the greatest happiness, being forever with God.

After listening to stories of Esther, it reminded me of the verse from the book of Hebrews, that she is one of a great cloud of Jesus Christ's witnesses, always by our side. Her devotion to Jesus Christ as a good disciple of Jesus. Her faithful Christian life is a great example to us following our Lord Jesus Christ.

May God continue to strengthen Elder Chong and his family. Let them continue to have faith to face this difficult time.

Also, now is the time for us to support and care for each other. May the Lord help us too that we can have one mind to support each other. We walk together on the path of the heavenly way to follow our God who is the author of salvation, will definitely lead us to eternity.



有多位慧霖至親的人上台分享,每一個的分享都讓我們更認識這位年青而又熱愛生命的姊妹。我們可以用這樣一句來總結她的生命: 「慧霖真的是一位,愛主愛人的基督徒」。








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