Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 3rd September 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

The Epistle to the Romans is quite a profound book, and we rarely have the opportunity to delve deeply into it. I am thankful that we can again study Romans in detail in this sermon series. In chapters 5 to 8, Paul extolled God’s love for us, demonstrated through Christ’s salvation for us. As Christians, that is the source of all love. Paul experienced the grace of salvation, and how freely it has been gifted to us. Not because of what we have done, nor our obedience to the law, for no one can be justified by obeying the law. Everything is by grace. Reading Romans again helps me to re-experience and ponder how vast and deep is God’s love. Not because of what I have done, or what I can do, but how I understand and receive God’s love. With His love, what I desire most is to be in His presence. Because of Christ’s death and resurrection for me, I can trust in our Lord Jesus. I am no longer separated by sin from God our Father. The most precious thing is to be in God’s presence.

The best moments each day are when I am with God, to be with Abba Father, the friend who truly knows my every thought, to be with my personal guide and Counsellor. To enjoy God’s presence and to walk with Him through quiet time, reading the bible, prayer, meditation on God, fellowship with brothers and sisters, sharing or evangelism. That is the life of Christ – simple, yet closest to God. To be with God every moment, not be anxious about anything, be filled with God’s love, on earth as it is in heaven, to walk with Him, that is the best way to live. Thank you God.



Icon of a flower

