Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 6th August 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

We have been reading the book of Exodus recently, which reminds us of the nature of God. He heard the Israelites’ cry. He sent Moses to save His people. God sent ten plagues to save the Israelites. God also gave Pharaoh opportunities to change his mind to obey God. God led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. In the wilderness, God gave the Israelites protection, gave them manna as food, provided spring water from a rock and led the Israelites with a pillar of cloud or fire. While they were in the wilderness, they did not obey God's leading, and what was supposed to be an eleven-day journey turned out to be forty years, but God did not give up on them. For forty years, God still protected them and provided for their daily needs: food and water, clothing and guidance.

Although Israel was rebellious, God still cared for and protected them according to His promise and mercy. Looking back at our own lives, aren’t we also rebelling against God? Not only has the world sinned, but we are still sinning and offending God every day. God has not abandoned us. He even sent Jesus Christ to save us from our sins, our rebellion against God. Christ died on the cross for our transgressions. Not only did God not abandon us, He was willing to sacrifice His one and only begotten Son for us. God's love and care for us is beyond our imagination.

If we deeply believe in God's love and care for us, we should have more confidence and trust in Him in our daily life. If we believe in God and trust that He has not withheld any good thing from us, will we trust God more when we face difficulties? God will not leave us nor forsake us, that is his promise.

God had been with the Israelites for forty years. He never left them. He provided them with food, drink and clothing. Jesus also taught us not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34) God will never leave us. Let us have more confidence in God and trust Him every day. Although life is full of difficulties, God is Immanuel. He promises to give us eternal life, which is our source of hope in this life and in eternity. May the Lord help us to continue to live a life of faith in Him.




神對以色列人四十年(不離不棄,有食有喝有穿,耶穌也教導我們,不要為明天憂慮,一天的難處,一天擔當便好(馬太福音6:34) 。神對我們永遠不離不棄。讓我們對神更有信心,每天信靠衪,雖然生活都是充滿了困難,但神是與我們同在的神。衪應許賜給我們永生,這是我們今生和永生盼望的源頭。求主幫助我們,讓我們繼續過一個對神滿有信心的生活。

Icon of a flower

