Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 6th March 2022

Pastor Steaven Cheung

‘Let the peace of God rule in your hearts’  - Colossians 3:15

There is a common belief that peace within the house means to avoid conflict or discussion of conflict. That by ignoring the issues or staying neutral in any situation, then peace is maintained. Whether that is applied in the home life, at work or even church. There is often a hesitancy to speak into what feels vulnerable or painful.

While there is virtue in discernment and not hastily rushing into situations and tensions. I’ve learnt in my time watching moments of toxic leadership, family dysfunctions and domestic abuse situations, neutrality is often the food which feeds the conflict. This is because neutrality - whether we intend to or not - feeds the side with more power. In a toxic work environment, ‘neutrality’ allows the one with power and voice to continue with their behaviours, in a family conflict, it forgets to listen to those that feel hurt or ignored, in ministry, it means that we lean towards the comfortable rather than what is right.

In scripture, Paul reminds the Colossians church, not to simply hope for peace within our hearts but to let the peace of God ‘rule’ in our hearts. This strong wording is meant to elicit a response from the church. That God’s peace is not one of neutrality, but one of focus and purpose. To choose compassion in the face of hurt, kindness in moments of vulnerability, gentleness to the weak, patience for the transformation of the dysfunctional. Peace requires more than neutrality; it requires vigilance and faith in God; expressed in the values of how we act.

There is power in peace, and I hope in this day and age, and the various conflicts locally and globally, that we would not as believers remain neutral and silent, but stand up for what is right and holy in God’s kingdom.

「叫基督的平安在你們心裡作主」 - 歌羅西書 3:15





Icon of a flower

