Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 7th November 2021

Pastor Steaven Cheung

Recently I’ve been reflecting on the various marriages I’ve had the privilege of learning from in the past 10 years. There are a few things I’d like to share with you, because they’re not just things I’ve brought into my marriage, but into every community I’ve been a part of as well. True connection and empathy for each other is one of the ways Christ reveals Himself through us, in marriage and in community.  

1) ‘It’s never just YOUR problem’

‘In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…’ (Philippians 2:5)

Just as Christ did not consider humanity’s sin just a ‘human problem’, we are not to look at the tragedies and dysfunctions of our partner or fellow brother and sisters as just a ‘them’ issue. In fact, Christ lowered himself (Philippians 2) into humanity’s problems, not to condemn us, but to carry us towards salvation.

When we see other’s issues, there is a human propensity to sympathise, that is to simply feel bad for the other person. Empathy however, is our ability to walk alongside the other person, even at our own cost. Those sorts of acts build trust and authenticity.  Let’s learn to sit with the other person, and recognise that their problem is our problem as well.

2) ‘Love isn’t about self promotion’

‘If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal…’ (1 Cor 13:1)

I am inspired by spouses who speak the world of each other. Not just lip service, but they actively encourage the other, even knowing the failures and dysfunctions the husband/wife is carrying. The reason that inspires me is not because of simply the positivity, but the desire to lift up the other person.

In 1 Corinthians 13, we see those who don’t know love as self-promoters, only relishing in events which benefit themselves. But love isn’t interested in self-promotion, but in the promotion of the beloved. Just as Christ is interested in the lifting of the saints into eternal holiness, we ought to be interested in lifting those around us in stature and potential. Think of what a community like that could become.

3) Love reveals God’s presence and purpose

‘…they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.’

There are many ways to try and measure God’s presence in a family or community. Some of us look at achievements or physical well-being. Others may talk about specific behaviors or particular disciplines. The marriages that stick out and encourage Xin Yu and I, are the ones where the couples may disagree, be discouraged or even have serious conflict. But underneath the issue is the deep desire to find unity, no matter the cost. That cost may be having their egos hurt, letting go of slights and hurts or even a long night of discussion so they don’t go to be with resentment for one another.

Communities inevitably will fact conflict, sometimes small, sometimes major. But authentic communities that last and grow over generations, are the ones that have imbedded in their ethos, a DESIRE to reveal Christ through unity.

Let’s be reminded this Sunday, as we are blessed to be able to see each other again, to keep building a community that is rooted in Christ.

最近,我一直在回顧過去 10 年來,我有機會從不同的婚姻中學習所得。我想和你們分享幾件事,因為它們不僅影響我的婚姻,也影響我所參與過每一個社群。彼此間的真正聯繫和同理心,是基督藉著我們的婚姻和社群顯示祂自己的方式之一。









3) 愛彰顯神的同在和旨意





Icon of a flower

